Choreographed by Gary O’Reilly & Helen O’Malley (Ire) (September 2017)
64 Count, 2 Wall Intermediate line dance.
Choreographed to: “Crybaby” by Paloma Faith
16 count intro from the first heavy beat
Available on iTunes
Section 1: Side/Touch, Side/Touch, Coaster Step, ½ L, ½ L, Sailor ¼ L with Cross
&1&2 Step right to right side (&), touch left next to right (1), step left to left side (&), touch right next to left (2)
3 & 4 Step back on right (3), step left next to right (&), step forward on right (4)
5 6 Pivot ½ turn left (5), ½ turn left on ball of left stepping back on right while sweeping left around from front to back (6) [12:00]
7 & 8 ¼ turn left crossing left behind right (7), step right next to left (&), cross left over right (8) [9:00]
Section 2: Touch, Press, ¼ L, ¼ Side Rock, Cross, Side Rock Cross, Side
1 2 Touch right slightly to right side (1), press right out to right side transferring weight to right with left toe pointed to left and body opened slightly to right
3 & 4 ¼ turn left transferring weight onto left (3), ¼ turn left rocking on ball of right to right side (&), recover on left (4) [9:00]
5 Cross right over left (5) [3:00]
6 & 7 Rock left to left side (6), recover on right (&), cross left over right (7) ** Ending
8 Step right to right side (8)
Section 3: Sailor L, Sailor ¼ R, Pivot ½, Crossing Samba 1/8
1 & 2 Cross left behind right (1), step right to right (&), step left to left side (2)
3 & 4 ¼ turn right crossing right behind left (3), step left next to right (&), step forward on right (4) [12:00]
5 6 Step forward on left (5), pivot ½ turn right (6)
7 & 8 Cross left over right (7), rock right to right side (&), recover on left making 1/8 turn left with weight ending on left (8) [10:30]
Section 4: Cross Side Back, Behind Side Fwd, Cross Side Back, Behind Side Fwd
1 & 2 Cross right over left (1), ⅛ right stepping back on left (&), ⅛ right stepping right to right side (2) [1:30]
3 & 4 Step left behind right (3), ⅛ right stepping right to right side (&), ⅛ right stepping forward on left (4) [4:30]
5 & 6 Cross right over left (5), ⅛ right stepping back on left (&), ⅛ right stepping right to right side (6) [7:30]
7 & 8 Step left behind right (7), ⅛ right stepping right to right side (&), ⅛ right stepping forward on left (8) [10:30] *Tag/Restart
Section 5: Walk, Walk, Anchor Step, ½ L, Walk, Anchor Step
1 2 Walk forward on right (1), walk forward on left (2) [10:30]
3 & 4 Step right behind left and rock back on right (3), recover weight on left (&), rock back on right (4)
5 6 ½ turn left walking forward on left (5), walk forward on right (6) [4:30]
7 & 8 Step left behind right and rock back on left (7), recover weight on right (&), rock back on left (8)
Section 6: 3/8 R, ½ R, Sailor ¼ R with Cross, Hold, Ball Cross, Side Mambo Together
1 2 3/8 turn right stepping forward on right (1), ½ turn right stepping back on left (2) [3:00]
3 & 4 ¼ turn right crossing right behind left (7), step left next to right (&), cross right over left (8) [6:00]
5 & 6 Hold (5), step left to left side (&), cross right over left (6)
7 & 8 Rock left to left side (7), recover on right (&), step left next to right (weight down on left) (8)
Section 7: Walk Back R-L, Coaster Step, Walk, ½ L, Shuffle ½ L
1 2 Walk back on right (1), walk back on left (2)
3 & 4 Step back on right (3), step left next to right (&), step forward on right (4)
5 6 Walk forward on left (5), ½ turn left stepping back right (6) [12:00]
7 & 8 ¼ turn left stepping left to left side (7), step right next to left (&), ¼ turn left stepping forward on left (8) [6:00]
Section 8: Fwd Rock & Fwd Rock &, Jazzbox with Cross
1 2 & Rock forward on right (1), recover on left (2), step right next to left (&)
3 4 & Rock forward on left (3), recover on right (4), step left next to right (&)
5 6 Cross right over left (5), step back on left (6)
7 8 Step right to right side (7), cross left over right (8)
At the end of Section 4 during Wall 5 facing [10:30] ADD the following 4 count TAG
Tag: 1/8 Jazzbox with Cross
1 2 Cross right over left (1), 1/8 right stepping back on left (2) [12:00]
3 4 Step right to right side (3), cross left over right (4)
THEN restart the dance from the beginning facing [12:00]
** Ending: to end the dance facing [12:00] during wall 7, replace count “6&78” of section 2 [Side Rock Cross, Side] with:
Side Rock ¼ Fwd, Together
6 & 7 Rock left to left side (6), recover on right making ¼ turn right (&), step slightly forward on left (7)
8 Step right next to left (8) [12:00]