My Blue Tree 2018-02-12T15:21:21+00:00
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Choreographed by Gary O’Reilly (Ire) (December 2015)
32 Count, 4 Wall Absolute Beginner line dance.
Choreographed to: “Big Blue Tree” by Michael English
16 count intro
I choreographed this dance for my Absolute Beginner classes as an alternative to Ria’s hit
dance “Big Blue Tree”, as I loved the track and needed something a little easier for the group J

Section 1: R Toe-Heel-Stomp, L Toe-Heel-Stomp, Triple R-L-R, Pivot ½ Step
1 & 2 Touch R toe back next to L heel (1), touch R heel forward next to L (&), stomp forward R (2)
3 & 4 Touch L toe back next to R heel (3), touch L heel forward next to R (&), stomp forward L (4)
5 & 6 Triple forward R (5), L (&), R (6)
7 & 8 Step forward on L (7), 1/2 turn over R (&), step forward on L (8) (6:00)

Section 2: R Toe-Heel-Stomp, L Toe-Heel-Stomp, Triple R-L-R, Pivot ½ Step
1 & 2 Touch R toe back next to L heel (1), touch R heel forward next to L (&), stomp forward R (2)
3 & 4 Touch L toe back next to R heel (3), touch L heel forward next to R (&), stomp forward L (4)
5 & 6 Triple forward R (5), L (&), R (6)
7 & 8 Step forward on L (7), 1/2 turn over R (&), step forward on L (8) (12:00)

Section 3: “Drunken Shuffles” Triple R-L-R, Triple L-R-L, Triple R-L-R, 1/4 Triple L-R-L
1 & 2 Facing R diagonal Triple to R side R (1), L (&), R (2) (1:30) *arms moving up-down-up
3 & 4 Facing L diagonal Triple to L side L (3), L (&), R (4) (11:30) *arms moving up-down-up
5 & 6 Facing R diagonal Triple to R side R (5), L (&), R (6) (1:30) *arms moving up-down-up
7 & 8 Turn 1/4 L Triple forward L (7), R (&), L (8) (9:00) *arms moving up-down-up

*Optional arm movements in this section for FUN – during each Triple or “Drunken Shuffle” raise both arms with palms facing up and move them Up-Down-Up

Section 4: Charleston Step x2
1 2 Touch R toe forward (1), step back on R (2)
3 4 Touch L toe back (3), step forward on L (4)
5 6 Touch R toe forward (5), step back on R (6)
7 8 Touch L toe back (7), step forward on L (8)

“Drunken Shuffle” is just a FUN term we coined in our Absolute Beginner class to help us all remember what was coming up next in the dance J
